
Although our software was originally designed for the sign manufacturing industry, the same design principles can be applied to just about any manufacturing methodology. Our software structure can be easily adapted to suit any manufactuing environment.

Drawing on decades of experience in administration in the manufacturing industry, PAWS is designed with one goal in mind; To provide a simple solution for effective and efficient administration. By implementing a database system, not only do you minimise unnecessary paperwork, you save time and effort, which means saving money.

From costing and quoting, through to job ticketing, purchasing, tracking and reporting, all the elements required for smooth administration and management of workflow have been incorporated into PAWS Software.

Quoting – Quotations are built on material and process costs, including labour time. Build your quote costs accurately and easily based on your existing process and material items. You have the flexibility to add a desired markup on costs or set static cost and sell prices as desired.

Jobbing – Job Tickets can be generated from quotes in a single click, or they can be generated without a pre-existing quote. Automated features allow you to create job folders and related documents, all in a single click. Job Tickets converted from quotes will automatically import any quote documentation saved to the quote folder.

Purchasing – Purchase orders can be linked to job tickets (for material purchases), or can be raised independently for goods and services that may not be associated with a job ticket, such as stationery, stock and other types of purchases which may not directly relate to a job.

Process – From job creation to art department, production and dispatch, following the logical progress of a job is managed easily through the different modules in PAWS. Each department can access their job tickets and files quicly throughout the process.

CRM – Customer Record Management allows you to access all your customer data quickly and effortlessly. You can view all quotes, jobs and purchases at a glance and filter down to customers, suppliers and project names to quickly find the record your searching for.

Reporting – PAWS has a multitude of options for your reporting needs. Reports can be viewed by type, status, customer, employee, minimum value and date range (or any combination of these). You can access any individual quote or job ticket directly from the report, or you can choose to print out the report if desired.

Analysis – View the profitability of jobs at a glance. The module lists all jobs within a specified date range, or even filtered by a particular customer, so you can monitor your quote values against the actual production costs of the job. You can also view the full breakdown for any job in one easy click of a button.

Tracking – From the integrated calendar to the production schedule and the reporting module, you can easily monitor your work flow at any stage of the process. PAWS work modules often double as tracking tools, making life easier and putting an end to jobs that slip through the cracks and miss critical deadlines.

Calendar – Integrated into the PAWS main menu is the calendar module. This module behaves much like the calendar used in Microsoft Outlook, and tracks due dates for jobs, purchase orders and general enquiries. At a glance you can see which items are due on which days.